My Vision of Social Justice
I envision a society where each person is valued regardless of gender, race, cultural background, sexual identity, ability or disability, or access to wealth. This society would provide adequate shelter, food, education, recreation, health care, security, and well-paying jobs for all. The land would be respected and sustained, and justice and equal opportunity would prevail. Such a society would value cooperation over competition, community development over individual achievement, democratic participation over hierarchy and control, and interdependence over either dependence or independence.
My mission is to use my teaching, mentoring, writing, and activism to provide a wide variety of accessible educational and training opportunities and materials in different media, languages, and formats that help provide people with a vocabulary, a framework, and critical thinking skills to increase their capacity for being active in struggles for social justice. In particular my work will support grassroots community struggles for social justice by addressing, educating, challenging, and channeling resources from allies and mainstream communities and will support the leadership of women, men and women of color, people of low-income, and people from other marginalized groups, particularly young people.
My Values
To model what I teach by:
- remaining accountable to those on the frontlines of grassroots struggles through my activism and through various other forms of feedback and consultation.
- making sure that wherever I am, I am working for the inclusion of all missing voices.
- helping to build and sustain a strong, caring, and loving community of family, friends, colleagues, and community members.
- leading a balanced, healthy, reflective, joyful, and active life.