Uprooting Racism 4th Edition How White People Can Work For Racial Justice


Retail Price: $24.99

Completely revised and updated, this 4th edition of Uprooting Racism offers a framework around neoliberalism and interpersonal, institutional, and cultural racism, along with stories of resistance and white solidarity. It providers practical tools and advice on how white people can work as allies for racial justice, directly engaging the reader through questions, exercises, and suggestions for action. Previous editions of Uprooting Racism have sold more than 50,000 copies because it is accessible, personal, supportive and practical – ideal for students, community activists, teachers, youth workers and anyone interested in issues of diversity, multiculturalism and social justice.

For more details about this book, please click here. To purchase, click here.

Uprooting Racism, recently released in its 4th edition, gives white people the concrete tools we need to deepen our understanding of white supremacy and racism — so that we can move into action from a more informed place.”

Review about Uprooting Racism by Kristen Brock-Petroshius

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