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2013 Summer Newsletter: Announcing Living in the Shadow of the Cross
This newsletter contains information on Paul Kivel’s latest book, Living in the Shadow of the Cross, which seeks to address the everyday impact of Christian Hegemony in our world. The publication of Living in the Shadow of the Cross in Read more...Issue: ReligionRead More -
2014 Spring Newsletter: Taking Living in the Shadow of the Cross on the Road
This issues of the newsletter gives details of Paul Kivel’s book tour with Living in the Shadow of the Cross. It gives some information about this book, defines Christian hegemony and showcases organizations that are resisting Christian hegemony. Please send Read more...Issue: ReligionRead More -
2014 Winter Newsletter: Black Lives Matter
This issue is dedicated to the #BlackLivesMatter movement and the call from African American people all across the US to assert that their lives matter. Inside, I provide resources where you can learn more about #BlackLivesMatter, demands coming out of Read more...Issue: Racial JusticeRead More -
2015 Spring Newsletter: Resources for Economic, Racial and Gender Justice
This issue of the newsletter “Resources for Allies,” contains resources for allies trying to support work around gender, racial and economic justice. The newsletter highlights organizations making important impacts in all of these areas and what you can do to Read more...Issue: Economic Justice, Gender Justice, Racial JusticeRead More -
2016 Fall Newsletter: The Movement for Black Lives Platform and Ways for White People to Leverage Resources
With all the focus on the elections it can be difficult to remember (or even to find out about) the millions of people organizing for social justice every day. Some of those struggles are highlighted in this issue of my Read more...Issue: Racial JusticeRead More -
2016 Winter Newsletter: Resources for Racial Justice
This issue of the newsletter “Resources for Racial Justice,” provides resources on understanding and fighting this moment of rising Islamophobia, examining anti-colonial projects like the Sogorea Te’ Land Trust, some perspectives on racism for White people, and links to Read more...Issue: Islamophobia, Racial JusticeRead More -
2017 March Newsletter: Immigration, Environmental Justice and Islamophobia
Dear People, We are in a period of intense turbulence as a new administration takes office based on the strategic development over the last 50 years of the ruling class neoliberal agenda.That agenda reflects the current attempt by the 1% Read more...Issue: Environmental Justice, Racial JusticeRead More -
2017 November Newsletter: Combatting Male Violence: A Resource Guide for Men and Boys
Dear People, I’m very glad to see that the resistance demonstrated by women and people who are trans and gender queer to the everyday, pervasive sexism and misogyny they experience is receiving some public recognition. This exploitation and violence devastates Read more... -
2017 September Newsletter: Revisiting Uprooting Racism
This issue of the newsletter looks at the new edition of Paul Kivel’s book Uprooting Racism: How White People Can Work for Social Justice and what we can learn from looking at this book now over 10 years later. Included Read more... -
2018 Spring Newsletter: Anti-Jewish Oppression
Dear People, We are approaching the Easter season that for tens of millions of Christians around the world includes a Good Friday service in which the New Testament crucifixion story is read and sometimes even acted out in services. This Read more...